Youth Message Development


REAL media is grounded in media literacy and social-cognitive theories, and guided by experiential-learning principles. The activities are designed to be engaging and challenging. They encourage students to reflect and offer their thoughts via open-ended questions as well as quizzes and optional depth sections where students can further explore their interests. Each level ends with an interactive challenge that allows participants to apply new skills.

Type of Program: Prevention
Audience Size: Minimum 10 / Maximum 30
# of Lessons: 4
Length of Sessions: 20-25 minutes, if done individually (but can be combined,
as needed)
Frequency of Implementation: Once per week
Duration of Implementation (in weeks) up to 4 weeks, less if lessons combined
Recommended intervention site (school,
community, both)
School and Community
Age Range Youth ages 13-15
Grade 8 – 10 Grade
Gender Both Male & Female